Management Policy
Wipro Aerospace is committed to defining its position in the marketplace and understands how legal, political, economic, social and technological issues influence our strategic direction and organizational context.
Wipro Aerospace identifies, analyses, monitors and reviews factors that may affect our ability to satisfy customers and stakeholders, as well as factors that may adversely impact the stability of our process or the integrity of our management system.
To ensure that our Integrated Management System is aligned with our strategy, taking account relevant internal and external factors, we collate and analyze pertinent information in order to determine the potential impact on our context and subsequent business strategy.
The Integrated Management policy acts as a compass, providing the direction and framework for establishing key corporate level performance metrics, as well as related objectives and targets. The top management ensures that our corporate policies are established and documented and that these policies are available to all concerned.
The ecosystem is degrading due to global warming, water scarcity, poor air quality, hazardous waste disposal and species loss. Each of these affects environmental degradation at varying levels. While issues like global warming affects the whole world, problems like air pollution, water scarcity and hazardous waste disposal are localized and affects a particular region or geography. One cannot overlook the fact that an organization’s ecological impact spills beyond its boundaries.
The stakeholders affected by Wipro’s action on ecological sustainability could be –
- Local communities – if untreated wastewater is released into the local water body
- City – Pollution and congestion from automobiles that run to keep our business alive
- The greenhouse gas emissions from our operations which contributes to increased warming of the planet
A good policy is only a start. Implementation realities require a mature management system. Salient features of Wipro’s Integrated Management System define:
- Major environmental, safety and quality goals, converts them into initiatives and tracks their regular progress
- Templates and methodologies for assessing and identifying environmental impact, hazards in products and business risks of Wipro’s key products, services and operations
- Broad-base ownership of goals through a process of objectives / target setting for different functions at different organizational levels
- Goals primarily pertain to prevention of pollution and compliance with regulations